The story of Villa Galgani was born from a trip to the Holy Land, Israel, back in 2000.
I was 23 years old, alone and, with a Bible, I set off in search of the Word.
On that trip, I met Giuseppe Bicocchi, a former member of parliament from Lucca and a regional lawyer in Tuscany, who was a faithful and great devotee of the Santissima Gemma Galgani.
Scomparso il 18 Febbraio 2008, lasciò in me un seme di fede e di culto verso la Santa. Nella nostra breve ma decisiva conoscenza, ha toccato in me un tasto, tanto incisivo, da mettere in vita il Progetto Galgani, una piccola struttura in onore alla Santa e farla diventare al tempo stesso la mia residenza.
I nomi delle camere sono associate a momenti di Vita di Gesù.
This is the first home dedicated to Saint Gemma and I feel blessed in thinking that the Lord wanted to give me this privilege. Villa Galgani opens its doors to those who need to stop and to those who want to get to know the young Gemma, thus starting their journey by visiting her monastery and the places she has been. We hope this house will be an echo of Salvation.
"From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose."
Isaiah 46:11
Lord, teach us to have peace,
to Look for it,
to Live it.

55012 Fr. Pieve San Paolo, Capannori, Lucca
Cell: 0039 348 8533604 - Email: galgani@villagalgani.it

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